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I would like to express my gratitude for the unforgettable performances of the Academic Song and Dance Group “Jedliniok”, performed in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from 12 September to 15 October 2009.
At UPWr students can develop various passions, not only scientific ones. For those artistically talented, the university offers the opportunity to join the Academic UPWr Choir or the Academic Folk Song and Dance Band "Jedliniok".


From today portraits may be admired of vice-chancellors, starting with a painting presenting Prof. Stanisław Tołpa, painted by Antoni Michalak, and a portrait of Prof. Jerzy Kowalski, painted by Andrzeja Dobrzanieckiego, and also portraits of Professors Alfred Sanze, Aleksander Tychowski, Tadeusz Garbuliński, Ryszard Badura, Józef Dzieżyc, Henryk Balbierz, Bronisław Jabłoński, Jerzy Juszczak, Tadeusz Szulc and Michał Mazurkiewicz, painted by Wrocław artist Dariusz Godlewski.
You are the finest and noblest asset to our University, a true diamond, which has decorated our history and has made a huge contribution to the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław – Rector Professor Roman Kołacz said while welcoming the Doctorates of Honoris Causa in the university’s Senate Hall.
The Lower Silesian commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the introduction Martial Law began on the 5th of December with a concert in the Wrocław Opera House.


The World Exhibition on Inventions, Research and New Technologies, "Brussels Innova 2013," which took place from 14 to 16 November, presented the most innovative technologies and solutions in medicine, computer science, chemistry, biology and electronics.

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