
Report - baseline for 2022 (Identification and inventory of selected elements of the University's operation in terms of their impact on greenhouse gas emissions)

On November 22, 2022, the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences joined the Race to Zero campaign. As a committed participant, our University has pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2030 and attain climate neutrality by 2050.

The Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges, in collaboration with EAUC (the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education), Second Nature, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment), seeks to implement the Paris Agreement.

A prerequisite for university participation in the campaign is a comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of operational units, leading to the formulation of an Action Plan. In January 2023, we initiated the identification and inventory of factors contributing to greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide and methane) across university units. The outcomes formed the basis of the 'Report - Baseline for 2022,' guiding the development of a detailed Action Plan extending to 2050, with the aim of progressively reducing the university's carbon footprint.

By aligning with the Race to Zero campaign, the university is committed to providing annual reports on achievements in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The inaugural report, covering the implementation of the 2024 action plan from November 2023 to December 2024, is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2025. This report will serve to evaluate implemented measures and validate the ongoing Action Plan.

Sustainable transport at the university

As part of the campaign, an April 2023 survey assessed the commuting habits of our faculty, PhD students, and undergraduates. The survey delved into transportation modes (walking, cycling, scooters, motorcycles, cars, public transport), vehicle propulsion methods (muscle power, petrol, diesel, LPG, electric, hybrid, hydrogen), travel distances, and journey times. For electric vehicles, we inquired whether the energy source was the vehicle's photovoltaic system or the municipal grid.

Beyond transportation details, the survey explored reasons for commuting choices, identified challenges, and gathered suggestions for enhancing infrastructure on university campuses. Armed with this insight, the university aims to support students and staff in opting for more environmentally friendly transportation methods.

For a detailed breakdown of the survey results, please refer to the comprehensive 'Report - baseline for 2022'.

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