WCE – Water-Climate-Environment

Water-Climate-Environment – WCE

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Institute of Environmental Engineering
Grunwaldzki Sq. 24, 50-363 Wrocław

Ewa Burszta-Adamiak, Assoc. Prof. ScD

tel. +48 71 320 5555
e-mail: ewa.burszta-adamiak@upwr.edu.pl

UPWr Base of Knowledge

Areas of interest

  1. Sustainable management of water resources in urban and rural areas
  2. Adaptation of cities to climate change through Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and their use
    in water and wastewater treatment
  3. Treatment and monitoring of pollutants in industrial wastewater, including the application of electrochemical advanced oxidation process (EAOP), heavy metal ion biosorption and ecotoxicology using aquatic organisms D.magna
  4. Identification of microorganisms in various environmental samples by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH)
  5. Phytoremediation of soils using biodegradable water sorbing geocomposites
  6. New environmental technologies to improve the physical properties of soils and promote
    plant growth
  7. Precipitation income and its transformation in the soil environment
  8. Management of water by selected energy crops
  9. The impact of hydropower plants on water quality, bottom sediments, and hydrological conditions of rivers and water bodies
  10. Time series analysis using statistical methods and machine learning to model air pollutant concentrations, water flow, and contaminants in soils, in assessments of climate and bioclimate change, temporal and spatial variability of water consumption, and in identification of water supply network

Key words: electrochemical oxidation processes, water eutrophication, FISH, photoremediation, geocomposites, urban hydrology, microorganism identification, water and wastewater quality, corrosion, industrial wastewater, diagnostic methods, wastewater treatment, prediction of water intake, soil and air pollution, sewerage systems (facilities), energy plants, nature-based systems (NBS), rural area, urban area, rainwater, integrated water management, climate change, sustainable systems, drainage

Water-Climate-Environment – WCE

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