h2020.jpgProject title: Water retention and nutrient recycling in soils and streams for improved agricultural production (WATERAGRI)

Duration: 1.05.2020 – 30.04.2024

Project Budget: 6 999 986 EUR

Budget for UPWr (role): 285 962 EUR (Partner)

Project Coordinator: dr inż. W. Fiałkiewicz



The WATERAGRI concept aims to introduce a new framework for the use of affordable small water retention approaches for managing excess and shortage of water as well as better recovery of nutrients from agricultural catchments applying a multi-actor approach. The project aims are to re-introduce and enhance sustainable solutions for water retention and nutrient recycling to enable agricultural production that can sustain growing populations and cope with present and future climate change challenges. The project will generate a deeper, more detailed and integrated understanding of the hydrological processes shaping water resources in Europe. To achieve these ambitious aims, WATERAGRI will further develop traditional drainage and irrigation solutions and re-introduce nature-based solutions such as integrated constructed wetlands, bio-inspired drainage systems and sustainable flood retention basins in the agricultural landscape, leading to better retention of both water and nutrients. WATERAGRI will evaluate specific water and nutrient retention needs with the farming community, develop a set of affordable and easy-to-implement technologies, test them in the field and deploy a sound business framework for their effective use by the framing community.

www: https://wateragri.eu/

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 858375

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