Rector's scholarship

Detailed information concerning the principles of allocating Rector's scholarships may be found in § 12 - 16 of the By-laws of benefits for students and doctoral students

By-laws of benefits for students and doctoral students

Application for obtaining Rector’s scholarship may be registered and submitted from 1 October 2024.

Application for obtaining Rector’s scholarship must be filled out by the student on USOSweb (guidelines). After filling out the application, its hardcopy (Polish) along with the required documents must be submitted personally, via electronic post (with confirmation of receipt) or via ePUAP platform at the Centre for Student Affairs (ul. Skłodowskiej-Curie 42, building A1):

In room number 3 - Faculty of Environment Development Engineering and Geodesy, Faculty of Spatial Economy and Landscape Architecture, Medical Veterinarian Faculty, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences,

In room number 4 - Natural-Technological Faculty, Faculty of Biology and Animal Husbandry

from Monday to Friday, office hours from 07:30 AM to 3:00 PM.

Registering an electronic form at USOS is a technical action and does not constitute application form submission.

Deadline for submission of applications: until 20 October 2024

In case of documents in a foreign language, their certified translation must be submitted.

Students of the 2nd-degree studies are obliged, prior to registering an application form in USOS, to turn to the dean's office (by phone, email or in person) with a request to calculate average of grades and to be entered on the USOS ranking list.

Prior to printing the application form, the student is obliged to verify their average of grades in USOS and in case of discrepancies, explain it with the dean’s office personnel.

Students applying for the Rector's scholarship who studied in the previous academic year at a different university or at a different faculty of the University, must submit the current major of studies to the dean's office employee, prior to registering their application for in USOS, certificate with an arithmetical average of grades for the previous academic year or the list of grades and the document confirming the scale of grades in place an another university.

In accordance with Article 4 sec. 4 point 3 The application form submitted by means of the ePUAP platform should be saved and sent in the form of a single file in pdf format.

To submit the application form for obtaining the Rector’s scholarship by means of the ePUAP platform one must:

  1. Long into one’s ePUAP account,
  2. Click "Katalog spraw",
  3. Select "Pisma Ogólne" and below "pisma do urzędu",
  4. In the new window, select "Pismo ogólne do podmiotu publicznego” (if this option is not visible, click "pokaż więcej"),
  5. In the new window, click "załatw sprawę",
  6. In the field "wybierz urząd" search for "Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu" and in the fields below, select the type of document "wniosek" and then add title (document title) "Stypendium Rektora 2024/25",
  7. Upload the necessary documents (among others, application form from USOS) and click “dalej”,
  8. If you wish to obtain a reply via traditional post - please indicate this option,
  9. In the new window, sign the document and submit it (documents which have not been signed will not be considered).

In case of studying on more than one major of studies, the Rector’s scholarship may be obtained solely under one, specified major.

Rector’s scholarship shall not be granted (...)

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