Open Transparent and Merit Based Recruitment System

The Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) aspires to achieve and strengthen its position as an employer providing attractive career opportunities for researchers by, among other things, introducing an egalitarian and internationally recognized system of recruitment and professional development.

The OTM-R policy aims to build the best research potential in accordance with the principles of the Charter and the Code and includes information on the recruitment process of researchers based on the provisions of internal documents of UPWr, e.g. Statute of UPWr or the Ordinance 71/2021 of the Rector of UPWr introducing the Rules and Regulations defining the principles and procedure of the recruitment competition for the position of academic teacher at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

Main objectives of the OTM-R policy for UPWr

The OTM-R policy at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is based on:

  • OPENNESSES (OPEN) – the recruitment process is open, available to everyone, publicly announced
  • TRANSPARENCY (TRANSPARENT) – recruitment is carried out according to clear, transparent rules, the same for all candidates
  • MERIT-BASED ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCES – candidates are selected only on the basis of merit criteria, with the assumption that the candidate with the best qualifications is selected, regardless of age, gender, ethnic origin, views and attitudes, origin, cultural and religious identity, sexual orientation, language, disability, and economic or social status, religion, political beliefs and guarantees the selection of the best qualified candidate.



OTM-R checklist

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