
Manager: Assoc. Prof. Piotr Krajewski,

Contractor: Assoc. Prof. Piotr Krajewski,

Keywords: landscape, impact of the investment, visibility of the investment, protection of landscape values

Short description: the main objective of the research was to develop and apply a method for the assessment of the impact of the investment in the form of construction of new grain silos on the rural landscape. The main assumption of the method was to include analyses of the range of visibility of the investment alternatives and to assess the potential visual impact in the designated field of the potential impact of the investment.

Manager: Assoc. Prof. Piotr Krajewski, BSc, PhD, Eng.

Contractors: Assoc. Prof. Piotr Krajewski, Prof. Beata Raszka

Short description: The main objective of the research was to develop a method for evaluating the capacity of a landscape, understood as the degree to which a given landscape is able to accept successive changes in its spatial structure without losing its previous visual qualities. The main motivation for undertaking the topic was the current state and threats to the most attractive suburban landscapes of Wrocław and the lack of consideration of landscape analyses in the planning procedure. It was decided that there is a need to provide the local authorities with a tool to determine the principles of landscape management at the stage of creating planning documents. On the example of the commune of Sobótka and the Sulistrowice district within its boundaries, analyses were carried out to identify the following areas with the largest capacity of the landscape, where the introduction of changes in the landscape in the form of location of new buildings will be hardly noticeable, and areas with the smallest capacity of the landscape, where even small changes will adversely affect the landscape. Research implemented in the years 2009-2014, co-financed under the programme "Entrepreneurial PhD student - an investment in innovative development of the region".

Keywords: landscape, landscape capacity, landscape sensitivity, spatial structure

Manager: Assoc Prof. Piotr Krajewski, BSc

Contractors: Assoc Prof. Piotr Krajewski, BSc, Iga Solecka, PhD

Short description: the main objective of the research was to develop a landscape change index that would allow to determine and monitor the intensity of landscape transformations in different periods of time based on the analysis of different types of cartographic data. The indicator should be a tool for landscape protection and shaping both for administrative units and protected areas and be used in analyses of the driving forces of landscape changes.

Keywords: landscape, landscape change index, landscape changes, landscape dynamics

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