

APM workshop: „Remote Sensing of Environment”

14-18th December 2020, ON-LINE

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) with the support of European Space Agency (ESA) and Copernicus Research and User Support (RUS) is organizing a workshop and training event on 14-18th December 2020. The event will be held on-line.

The event starts with the APM partnership meeting, followed by theoretical (Day 1) and practical sessions (Day 2-5) on the use of remote sensing data. The training is based on the Copernicus data (RUS Training Courses) and non-Copernicus data (ESA exercise on polarimetry). RUS will contribute to the event by providing 4 different hands-on training sessions where participants will access a Virtual Machine from their own laptop or desktop lab computer to exploit the open source toolboxes available in the RUS environment to download and process Sentinel data. ESA will contribute by providing theoretical lectures and one hands-on session on land application with polarimetry (using PolSARpro). Please register for the course using RUS website.

Please note that the RUS Copernicus Virtual Machines used for this training course can only be provided to citizens/residents of the Copernicus programme member countries (EU plus Iceland and Norway).

RUS Copernicus at the APM - Remote Sensing of environment Workshop

Contact person:
Witold Rohm

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