Plants4FOOD – Plants Processing & Technology for Bioactive Food


Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Departament of Fruit, Vegetable and Plant Nutraceutical Technology
Chełmońskiego St. 37, 51-630 Wrocław

Professor Aneta Wojdyło, ScD

tel. +48 71 320 7706

UPWr Base of Knowledge

Areas of interest

  1. Assessment of the bioactive profile and health-promoting properties of plant materials (different morphological parts of plants as leaves, flowers, roots etc.) based on chromatographic techniques (LC MS QTof, UPLC-PDA-FL)
  2. Bioavailability and digestibility of bioactive compounds in a simulated digestion system with the in vitro method
  3. Analysis of antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory potential
  4. Influence of agronomic and genetic factors on the quality of fruits, vegetable, edible flowers and herbs
  5. Pomace and other plant post-production waste in the design of functional foods
  6. Impact of raw material quality, technological process and storage on the physico-chemical properties of plant and animal foods
  7. Development of functional food products with pro-health properties dedicated to people with civilization diseases
  8. Application of bioactive plant components for food products dedicated to children, adults, the elderly and active people
  9. Modeling plant food quality using innovative drying methods and osmotic dehydration and its impact on the final quality of obtained products
  10. Microencapsulation and other nanotechnology as a method for nutraceuticals production
  11. Modeling the quality of plant materials using innovative drying methods and osmotic dehydration for the final product quality
  12. Assessment of dust accumulation by selected species of perennials, shrubs and climbers in urban conditions

Key words: bioactive compounds and profile; polyphenols; LC MS QTof, UPLC-PDA-FL, fruits, vegetables, edible flowers, herbs, pomace, functional foods, nutraceuticals, bioavailability and digestibility of bioactive compounds, analysis of pro-healthy properties, technological process, microencapsulation, nanotechnologies, drying, dust accumulation


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