Eligible countries and founds (STT and STA)

Staff mobility for training and teaching (STT and STA) also includes inbound mobility of experts from companies and institutions located abroad.

Daily Individual Support


Programme countries

Mobility lasting no more than 14 days

Group 1

Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden


Group 2

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy


Group 3

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, FYROM (the former Republic of  Yugoslavia, Macedonia), Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary, Poland


STA and STT Grant Amounts

  1. Individual support for STA and STT participants varies, depending on the destination country. It  comprises a period from two to five days, excluding travel time. The number of teaching hours per week (STA) cannot be lower than eight (8).  
  2. Travel costs from Wrocław to the destination place are calculated by the „Distance Calculator” available here.

Travel Distance [km]
(from Wrocław to the destination place - location of the host institution)

The Amounts of Travel Expense



20 EUR


180 EUR


275 EUR


360 EUR


530 EUR


820 EUR


1500 EUR

Participants with disabilities/special needs are entitled to receive additional support providing that they submit a special request to the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator who will provide such a participant with detailed information on the amount to which he/she is entitled. 

The mobility activities are carried out in compliance with the Financial Agreement signed between the National Agency in Warsaw and Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu for the academic year 2020/2021.

Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA103-078103

  • STA – Staff mobility for Teaching - EUR 22 230,00 – for individual support and travel expenses (18 participants);
  • STT – Staff mobility for Training - EUR 20 995,00 EUR – for individual support and travel expenses (17 participants).

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