
Detailed information concerning the principles of granting relief benefits may be found in §18 of the By-laws of benefits for students and doctoral students of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław.

By-laws of benefits for students and doctoral students

A relief may be granted to students who temporarily found themselves in a difficult living situation.

Circumstances which lead to the occurrence of a difficult living situation may include, in particular, death of one of the parents, a spouse and of a child, loss of permanent source of income or random event causing long-term difficulties in studying, student’s disease or family member’s disease, birth of a child, necessity to look after a sick family member, theft, damage caused by fire, natural disaster or another catastrophe.

Application form for a relief after prior registering an electronic form at USOSweb (guidelines) must be submitted immediately, however, no later than within 3 months from the date of the event entitling to granting the benefit, unless the applicant proves and documents that due to causes outside of his or her control it was impossible to submit this application form within the deadline.

After filling out the application, its hardcopy (in Polish) along with the required documents must be submitted at the dean’s office personally, via electronic post (with confirmation of receipt) or via ePUAP platform.

In case of documents in a foreign language, their certified translation must be submitted.

In case of studying on more than one major of studies, the Relief may be obtained solely under one, specified major.

The Relief shall not be granted to students with (...)

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