
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has granted financing to Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences to the amount of PLN 1 159 996 for the implementation of the PROM Programme – International scholarship exchange of PhD and young academic staff (people under 40 years of age).

The purpose of the project is to enable scholarship exchange of PhD and young academic staff. The Programme allows the participants to take part in short-term internships (lasting 30 days) aimed at increasing their competences and qualifications.

Project implementation time frame: 1 October 2019 – 31 March 2023

Funding will be allocated to international trips for the purpose of:

  • obtaining materials for a PhD thesis/scientific article;
  • taking measurements with the use of unique equipment, including large research infrastructure which is unavailable (or difficult to obtain) in one’s home country;
  • participating in the preparation of an international grant application.

Rules of financing

The project requires flat rates for travel expenses and subsistence costs.

Travel expenses, health insurance, third-party insurance, accident insurance, visa fees and costs of establishing residency

Straight-line distance between the home institution
and the host institution (in km)*:
Flat rate amount per person:
less than 500 PLN 1,000.00
500 - 999 PLN 2,000.00
1,000 – 2,999 PLN 3,000.00
3,000 – 6,000 PLN 4,000.00
greater than 6,000 PLN 5,000.00
* Distances have been calculated with the use of Erasmus+ Distance Calculator

Subsistence costs (30 days)*

When travelling to/from OECD countries, as well as to/from cities in countries not belonging to OECD but listed in the top 50 of the MERCER’s ranking** For other countries
PLN 12,000.00 PLN 8,000.00

* The number of days of one’s stay should be calculated as follows: the number of days of the event in which the participant is taking place + the maximum of 2 days (1 day to travel to the place of education and 1 day to travel back).

Step-by-step procedure

Formal issues to deal with before leaving the home institution

No. What? When? Comments
1. Application Form and Internship Plan Mobility must take place between November 2018 and June 2019 The application form, duly filled in, should be sent to UPWr International Relations Office –
2. Superior’s reference letter or tutor’s/thesis supervisor’s reference letter With the Application Form To be sent to UPWr International Relations Office –
3. Letter of Acceptance Before signing the agreement UPWr will send the Letter of Acceptance to the beneficiary
4. Financial agreement To be signed at least 2 weeks before leaving The signing of the financial agreement is compulsory. In order to do it the following information is needed:
  • the precise starting date and the precise final date of one’s stay at UPWr,
  • the scope of activities,
  • bank details (bank name, IBAN No., SWIFT). Please make sure that your bank accepts transfers in Polish currency – PLN,
  • a copy of the insurance covering the whole stay.
The above data should be sent to the following e-mail address at least 5 working days before signing the agreement.
5. Declaration of the Project Participant At least 2 weeks before leaving To be delivered to the International Relations Office. With the signing of the agreement.
6. Airline tickets Before leaving The Beneficiary buys airline tickets on his/her own.

Formal issues connected with the end of the scholarship exchange

No. What? When? Comments
1. Internship certificate Before returning to the home institution To be signed by a tutor at UPWr.
The document should be delivered to UPWr International Relations Office.
2. Electronic evaluation survey Before returning to the home institution Link to the survey will be provided by International Relations Office.
3. Learning outcomes description Before returning to the home institution To be signed by a tutor at UPWr.
The document should be delivered to the International Relations Office.
4. Information about achieved outcomes* Before returning to the home institution The document should be delivered to the International Relations Office.
5. Trip settlement form Before returning to the home institution The document should be delivered to the International Relations Office.
6. Project Participant Data Form Before returning to the home institution The document should be delivered to the International Relations Office.
7. Declaration of Project Participant Before returning to the home institution The document should be delivered to the International Relations Office.

* In the event of obtaining unsatisfactory results of the scholarship exchange, a report about the occurred fact will be made. It will influence the Beneficiary’s prospects of participating in other scholarships offered by Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

UPWr employees responsible for the coordination of the project

More information about the PROM Programme can be found at –

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