Action Plan 2022-2025

Obtaining the HR Award by the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) is tantamount to a declaration that the university will provide scientists with the best and consistent with European standards working conditions in the implementation of scientific or research and development activities. Therefore, the university implements the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The purpose of the HR Award is to create conditions for research and teaching employees that enable domestic and foreign mobility, and for research teams to conduct interdisciplinary research, as well as to help in applying for funds. 

The monitoring of the HRS4R process made it possible to formulate three main goals on which UPWr activities should focus in the years 2023-2025. In order to meet the emerging trends on the labor market and the desire to improve the competitiveness of the university, it was decided that the recruitment process should focus more on the needs of the candidate. An important goal for UPWr in 2023-2025 will be the increase in employment of foreign scientists and improvement of the working conditions of employed scientists, as well as the development of human capital of the UPWr through training and information campaigns. The main activities within the above-mentioned areas are presented below with the times scale and indicators.

Objective 1: Focus on the candidate’s needs in the recruitment process

  1. Implementation of an electronic recruitment system - analysis, monitoring, minimum documentation for candidates;
  2. Creation of a guide for members of the selection committee;
  3. Creation and implementation of a satisfaction survey for candidates.

Objective 2: Increase in the employment of foreign scientists and improving the working conditions of employed researchers

  1. Development of an incentive system;
  2. Valuation of positions;
  3. System of evaluation of employees who are not academic teachers;
  4. Electronic system for the evaluation of academic teachers;
  5. Creation of an onboarding system;
  6. Establishment of cooperation with a company for the purpose of facilitating the  legalisation of the stay process for foreigners;
  7. Exit interview polls;
  8. Development of the "Compendium of gender equality for UPWr" which will contain the most important information on legal aspects related to the experience of discrimination, description of procedures and tips, facilitating the settlement of formal matters during pregnancy, maternity and paternity leave, among others;
  9. Developing rules for the balanced participation of women and men in the management staff, departmental / university expert teams and committees;
  10. Update of the website with information useful for candidates from abroad;
  11. Support of employees during long absences (e.g. related to parenthood)in keeping in touch with working life and making it easier for them to return to work. Training and mentoring activities between work colleagues.

Objective 3: Development of human capital of UPWr through training and information campaigns

  1. Information activities in the field of activities related to the HRS4R;
  2. Building management potential by developing managerial staff competences;
  3. Information activities, training in the field of counteracting discrimination, harassment, prejudice and stereotypes;
  4. Update of the "Guide for New Employees" with anti-discrimination content;
  5. E-learning training for academic teachers;
  6. Soft skills training for UPWr employees.

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    Date of publication: 23-09-2022 09:20

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