
Guide to science clubs of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology

Last but not least, meet our student science clubs from the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology.

Market Analysis Student Science Club

Members of this club are interested in the economy and marketing and entrepreneurship – especially related to bioeconomy, such as agribusiness with food processing and related industries, renewable energy, tourism, including agritourism and ecotourism, biocomponents and product and technological innovations like precision farming. Members also analyze various other issues related to economic theory, market research and economic trends

– We are open to students from all faculties and majors, because knowledge of economic issues is useful in all industries. Our approach when recruiting for the club is that it is not important what you study, what level of economic knowledge you have or whether you have practice in market research – says Viktoria Sutowicz, the chairwoman of the club, emphasizing that the most important thing is the desire to deepen your knowledge and skills related to economics and the commitment to self-improve and work beyond compulsory classes. – That is why we focus on creating a good atmosphere and building positive relations between the members of the club. We also organize research and integration activities – not only for ourselves, but also for the entire academic community associated with UPWr – adds Viktoria.

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Members of Market Analysis Student Science Club on a research trip
photo: Facebook of the Market Analysis Student Science Club

The research projects carried out by the Market Analysis Student Science Club include consumer evaluation of innovative coffee beverages, a survey on joining the euro zone, a comparative analysis of the preferences of Polish and Czech beer consumers, and a measurement of the satisfaction of people visiting the Gold Mine in Złoty Stok.

– We also work with the Department of Applied Economics and take part in the implementation of projects undertaken by our scientists. In recent years, we have assisted, among others, in the international project "TOPAS" from the ERASMUS + program, which involved assisting in organizing meetings, taking care of students from Armenia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan during project internships and preparing study trips, and "RUBIZMO" from the Horizon 2020 program, where we promoted and recruited participants for online training courses in the field of entrepreneurship in rural areas and sustainable development – says the chairwoman of the club, adding that an important part of their activity is participating in national and international scientific conferences and the organization of summer scientific camps, which are used to collect data for future conference papers.

Entomology Student Science Club "Skorek"

The main goal of the club is to popularize knowledge about the world of insects. Members of the club believe that due to the multitude and great diversity of this group of animals, they can't ignore their presence in the environment, which is why they conduct research and take part in projects implemented at the Department of Entomology.

Currently, members of the club are conducting research on things such as: the varroa mite used in hives to combat the Varroa destructor mite, which transmits the varroosis disease, on the influence of basalt meal on the reproduction of springtails, or on new methods of combating the common spider mite, which attacks beetroot crops.

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Members of the Entomology Student Science Club "Skorek" know that insects are extremely important for the ecosystem
photo: Entomology Student Science Club "Skorek" Facebook 

– These are only some of the projects we are involved in. We also organize scientific trips. One such trip to the arboretum in Wojsławice and the Kaczawskie Mountains is planned in the near future. The wide-ranging activity of the club develops a pro-ecological attitude, based on learning about and researching the natural environment, in particular entomofauna and the threats posed to this environment by human activity. It is also important for us to actively develop scientific interests related to nature and to promote a healthy lifestyle through live contact with nature – says the chairwoman of the club, Karolina Dłutowska, emphasizing that anyone interested in the world of insects and broadly understood entomology can join. Previous knowledge and experience are not needed.

Plant Medicine Student Science Club "Armillaria"

– The name of our club suggests that it concerns only plant medicine. Nothing further from the truth! Our meetings are also attended by students of courses such as applied plant biotechnology or horticulture. There is no room for boredom at our weekly meetings – we brainstorm or discuss various topics, not only those related to science. And we share a common passion – mushrooms – says the deputy chairwoman, Julia Konstantynów.

Meetings are not only held in a lab. Students also go on phytopathology walks to see how diseases and pests look on plants in the natural environment. – Also we hang out after our meetings, for pizza, for example – adds Julia with a smile.


Members of the Plant Medic Society "Armillaria" on DAS
photo: SKN Medyków Plant "Armillaria"

We choose each project ourselves. Nobody tells us what to do. If we have the right opportunities, we get to work and act! Each project is great fun, full of new and unknown experiences. We also learn how to work in a team, we gain better skills in working with a microscope or in a sterile room – says Julia, adding that members of the club often present their projects at conferences. – Our last two projects took first and third place at the 26th International Conference of Student Science Clubs and the 38th Sejmik held at the University of Wrocław. It was the study on the spectrum of species of pathogenic fungi found on peanuts that won, and the project regarding finding Graphiola phoenicis on a Canary palm in Poland came in third place – says the vice-chairman.

Genetics and Plant Breeding Student Science Club

The Genetics and Plant Breeding Student Science Club is currently the only club at the university that uses in vitro plant cultures for research. They combine analytical chemistry, plant physiology, bioinformatics and molecular biology in their research.

– We work with micropropagation of various cultivated plants, ornamental plants and protected species. Among others, sundew, fiber hemp, peppermint, garden petunia, white pitaya or blume's coleus. We find the best methods of plant propagation using in vitro cultures. This is especially useful when we want to get a lot of ornamental or protected plants, but not only – says the chairman of the club, Wiktor Rzęchowski.

Members also study the effect of added chemicals on the chemical composition of plants. In doing so, they are discovering ways to increase the production of useful plant compounds, which could have industrial applications.

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The Genetics and Plant Breeding Student Science Club is currently the only club at the university that uses in vitro plant cultures for research
photo: Genetics and Plant Breeding Student Science Club

They also conduct genetic research, comparing different plant varieties in terms of useful genes, their degree of expression and selection for abiotic and biotic factors.

– Each member can propose an idea for a study. After a joint discussion and evaluation, we can plan and carry them out, says the chairman.

Students belonging to the club can count on taking part in projects such as inducing changes in the content of chemical compounds in plants by physical and chemical factors, inducing polyploidization in bananas or developing methods of micropropagation of many plant species.

Soil Science and Environmental Protection Student Science Club 

The areas of interest of the club’s members include issues related to environmental protection, and more specifically natural values, including soil resources of various areas, environmental degradation and actions taken to protect it, monitoring of the natural environment as well as reclamation and renaturation of degraded areas.

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Soil Science and Environmental Protection Student Science Club on a scientific trip
photo: Soil Science and Environmental Protection Student Science Club Facebook

Soil Science and Environmental Protection Student Science Club members go on two-week scientific camps where, among others, field work. They participate in scientific conferences, where they receive awards and distinctions for the results of their research, and also organize the annual Environmental Protection Rally, where they get to know the charms of nature, visit the mountains of Lower Silesia and make friends for many years.

Gardening Student Science Club

– Gardening Student Science Club is a group where you can pursue gardening – says Katarzyna Wróblewska, the chairwoman of the club. – You will find here both lovers of indoor and garden plants – she adds. The club has been recently reactivated after a short break and, as the chairwoman emphasizes, it needs plant maniacs with heads full of ideas!

gardening club

Members of the Gardening Student Science Club at a workshop
photo: Gardening Student Science Club Facebook 

BioEnergy Student Science Club

"We steal electricity from the sun and heat from the air" is the slogan of the BioEnergy club, whose members carry out work in the context of renewable energy, placing great emphasis on the practical side of photovoltaic installations and heat pumps.

bioenergy club

Member of the BioEnergy Student Science Club examines the heat of combustion of torificate from tomato haulms
photo BioEnergy Student Science Club

Students of the BioEnergy Student Science Club meet every week. They usually work on the topic of renewable energy, but the participants of the club are free to pick up any topic. Many students prepare short presentations and discuss them during lectures given by the chairman of the club. Students also collaborate in the research programs of their tutors and are taken on research trips, where they learn, for example, what a PV installation looks like.

Głos Uczelni

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