Race to Zero Campaign


The global Race to Zero Campaign brings together educational institutions, including universities, cities, regions, financial and healthcare institutions that have pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2030, with the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

By September 2022, 8307 companies, 595 financial institutions, 1136 cities, 52 states and regions, 1125 educational institutions and 65 healthcare institutions from around the world had already committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences joined the campaign on November 22, 2022. In addition to our university, Warsaw University and Lodz University of Technology have also joined the campaign in Poland.

Our university has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050.

The "Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges" campaign follows the Paris Agreement and is implemented in cooperation with the EAUC (the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education), Second Nature and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).


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