ASc4Future – Animal Science for Future

Animal Science for Future – ASc4Future

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Department of Environment Hygiene and Animal Welfare
Chełmońskiego 38C, 51-630 Wrocław

Sebastian Opaliński, Assoc. Prof.  ScD

tel. +48 71 320 5862

UPWr Base of Knowledge

Areas of interest

  1. Comprehensive development of the technology for organic poultry farming with the use of the mobile housing system:
    • assessment of the farming system in terms of production parameters and quality of carcasses,
    • development of a feeding model, taking into account national stocks of feed components, produced in accordance with organic farming regulations,
    • assessment of the environmental effects of of biogenic elements build-up from manure into soil,
    • at the end of the cycle, broiler pectoral and femoral muscles will be dissected and sensory analysis will be assessed,
    • at the end of the cycle, dissection of broiler pectoral and femoral muscles and their organoleptic assessment
  2. Assessment of the use of biochar as an innovative feed and bedding additive in the livestock production (cattle, horses, pigs, poultry):
    • to improve health, production and animal welfare,
    • to reduce nitrogen losses and emissions of odorous compounds,
    • the use of biochar as a sorption material will contribute to the improvement of conditions for the maintenance of beneficial insects,
  3. Development of safe methods (extraction of CO2 in the supercritical state and H2O in the subcritical state) for obtaining polyphenolic extracts and mixtures of hydrophobic substances from apples and blue honeysuckle berries:
    • assessment of the usefulness of the extract in animal nutrition, as well as its regenerative properties in studies on mice and horses,
    • attempts to produce distillates from extraction residues and pomace,
    • application tests aimed at the assessment of extracts as feed components with prophylactic and antibacterial effects.

Key words: livestock, animal welfare, organic livestock production, feed additives, biochar, mobile poultry housing, organic feed, odors, dietary supplements

Animal Science for Future – ASc4Future

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