LandArch – Landscape architecture


Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Division of Urban Landscape Management and Environmental Psychology
Grunwaldzka St. 53, 50-357 Wrocław

Aleksandra Lis Assoc. Prof. PhD

tel. +48 71 320 1877

UPWr Base of Knowledge

Areas of interest

  1. The influence of daily and nocturnal landscape features on human behaviors and perceptions (particularly preferences and the sense of security);
  2. Integrated protection and management of cultural heritage landscapes in areas with coexisting nature and heritage conservation;
  3. Green and blue infrastructure in sustainable urban planning and design;
  4. Standards for shaping and conserving biodiversity as an element of the development strategy for urbanized and agricultural areas – tools for spatial design and planning (Nature Based Solutions - NBS);
  5. Shaping the landscape of villages and towns;
  6. Assessing the impact quarries have on the environment and landscape, developing and protecting mining and quarrying landscapes, and using post-mining areas in activities related to adapting to climate change;
  7. Trees in urban areas: protection, management and risk assessment;
  8. Applying dendrochronology and dendrochemistry in research on industrial pollution and adapting cities to climate change;
  9. Perception and design of fortification and park landscapes based on digital landscape models and virtual reality;
  10. Protecting and shaping fortress greenery to preserve the historic and modern values of post-fortress areas in cities;
  11. Aspects of vegetation design and plant technologies in the planning of sustainable urbanized areas;
  12. Research on the use of inventive methods in the design of public spaces.

Key words: landscape, environmental psychology, landscape lighting, preferences, safety, human behaviors and perceptions., perception, green and blue infrastructure, quarry landscape, quarry lakes and ponds, climate change adaptation, dendrology, dendrochronology, dendrochemistry, urban areas, cultural heritage landscapes, rural landscapes, integrated conservation, landscape management, fortified landscapes, landscape history, cultural heritage, digital landscape models, sustainable urban areas, plant technologies, inventory methods in landscape design, design patterns; performativity of space; interpretation of visual material


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