70 years of UPWr


rektor_bosy.jpgLet’s stay together!

Anniversaries always make us feel proud. They also create a good space to reflect on the past and plan for the future. However, we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences in peculiar times. Pandemic-related restrictions, on-line classes, empty campus buildings that are usually vibrant with life, fear for family and friends – have been our reality for many months now and it has irreversibly changed our everyday life in many aspects.

Is this a good time to celebrate? Many of us are probably asking this question. My answer is: it’s a good time to reflect upon some issues. For instance, on what our beginnings were like, what legacy the founding fathers of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, which was first a part of the University of Wrocław, then the University of Agriculture and the Agricultural Academy, have left us. But also on what our strengths are today, what makes us stand out from others, and finally where our future lies.

On UPWr's 70th anniversary, we are caught between old times and new times, in a reality that we have not yet managed to adjust to and we do not fully understand. And yet, based on the past, we know what future we want to build and who we want to do it with as shaping the future calls for joint efforts. Our strength and success depend on the commitment, hard work and courage of individuals who form a community that we so often – not only on the occasion of the anniversary – call the “academic community”.

Let’s celebrate the anniversary together. It is a special one not only because of its number, but above all due to the extraordinary times it fell on.


Prof. Jarosław Bosy

Rector of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

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