

City&Co as part of ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC)


Project title: City&Co: Older Adults Co-Creating a Sustainable Age-friendly City

National agency: National Science Centre

Duration: 22.03.2022 – 21.03.2025

Project budget: 716 947,19 EUR

Budget for UPWr (role): 295 030 zł (Partner)

Project Coordinator: dr hab. inż. Jan Kazak, prof. uczelni


The aim of the City&Co project is to develop, in co-creation with the local community, an innovative tool to support the development and implementation of local senior citizen policies. The developed solution will be implementable in different socio-cultural conditions, focusing on case studies in the Netherlands, Poland and Romania. The final tool will support cities in the implementation of the World Health Organisation's Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities, benefiting from the direct input of participating older citizens. The tool and data to support decision-making and implementation of actions will be developed with the direct involvement of older people and decision-makers involved in creating and maintaining local urban ecosystems. In addition, the project will support the sustainability of age-friendly strategies and their implementation to ensure capacity building at the city and local neighbourhood level.

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