Gender Equality Plan

The Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences' Gender Equality Plan (GEP) for 2022-2024 is a strategic document created for the academic community to provide a safe and friendly place to learn and work, free from discrimination, enabling everyone to develop freely within their academic, professional and personal spheres.

The plan was signed by Prof. Jarosław Bosy, Rector of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, and implemented by an ordinance published in the Public Information Bulletin (BIP).

The most important task of the Gender Equality Plan (hereafter referred to as the Gender Equality Plan for UPWr) is to promote, implement and monitor positive measures regarding gender equality and diversity and the reduction of discrimination at the university.

In accordance with its mission and statutes, the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is a university that follows the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities for men and women. The University respects the existing human rights regulations protecting against discrimination and violence and strives to implement the highest standards to ensure equal opportunities and treatment of its employees.

hr-logo.jpgThe university has been actively pursuing an equality policy for several years, as exemplified by its award of 'HR Excellence in Research' in 2017. The University has introduced, among other things, a number of internal regulations, incorporating the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct with regard to the recruitment of academic research staff.

The Gender Equality Plan for UPWr is based on five goals, which will be implemented through specified actions and their effectiveness will be monitored through specific indicators. The objectives are presented in relation to five key areas: 



Balance between private/family and professional life, and corporate culture

Gender balance in management and decision-making bodies

Gender equality in the recruitment process and career development

Including gender issues in research and teaching material

Measures against violence on gender-based grounds, including sexual harassment







Promoting balanced representation of women and men in decision-making processes





Raising awareness of the principles of equality and non-discrimination



Support for women in their career development



Strengthening the balance between family and professional life





Preventing harassment and discrimination





The Gender Equality Plan for UPWr covers:

  • DIAGNOSIS - this is the analysis and main conclusions of the survey conducted among the academic community academic community survey and data on human resources and the student population,
  • FIVE OBJECTIVES, identifying activities and indicators as well as discussing the key to achieving gender equality in research and innovation, as required by the European Commission contained in the in five thematic areas.



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