Three pillars of scientific excellence

Strengthening international cooperation and increasing
the impact of Leading Research Groups (WZB)

UPWr selected WZB leaders who created 15 groups in the area of ​​7 leading scientific disciplines. As part of the WZB working structure, an advisory and mentoring body was established, responsible for maintaining high level of scientific and implementation efforts, as well as for supporting international cooperation. The body is composed of academics with acknowledged scientific achievements. The evaluation of WZBs in 2021 will be carried out by independent international experts to ensure its transparency.

Cooperation with international research centres and businesses is a priority for UPWr. The strategy to strengthen this cooperation is based on attracting talents – this purpose is served by the modernization of the scientific, laboratory, technical and social facilities.

Supporting activities include: facilitating mobility of undergraduates, doctoral students and employees, double degrees, supporting internships, participation in conferences, building strategic partnerships and conducting research. UPWr backs activities aimed at acquiring international projects and creating new international project groups. It also launches international studies conducted in English (Veterinary Medicine since 2007; Food Technology and Human Nutrition, Laboratory Techniques in Biology, Horticulture since 2014; joint studies together with Hunan Agricultural University of China).

Improving the quality of education
and professional development

Developing social responsibility for one’s actions, shaping tolerance and freedom in the academic community, attitude of openness to the unknown, striving for teaching excellence by achieving scientific excellence are some of the many elements that will bring UPWr closer to the best research units in the world within the next 10 years.

One of the key elements in the development of UPWr's research potential is the change in the formula of doctoral education and the establishment of a doctoral school, which places great emphasis on self-development and acquiring skills enabling students to solve complex scientific problems. The UPWr SD program provides doctoral students with interdisciplinary scientific development based on research, publication of obtained results in top international scientific journals and participation in trainings, courses and conferences.

A set of dedicated trainings to raise or expand the scope of competences has also been developed for each group of employees: research, research and teaching and administration.

Increasing the operational excellence
of university administration

The backbone of a research university is an efficient and competent administration, which is also ready face new challenges. UPWr is transforming its administrative structures by creating dedicated offices to support internationalization. These centres are in close contact with international institutions, businesses and local and regional authorities. They directly support scientists and students implementing international and mobility projects.

An element supporting decision-making processes is the Omega-PSIR knowledge management system, which combines the functionalities of such systems as Institutional Repository and Current Research Information System. The system increases the efficiency of the University management, and the HR Excellence in Research award for UPWr in 2017 confirms that the chosen strategy is correct and translates directly into staff mobility and acquiring and conducting international research.

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