  You are the finest and noblest asset to our University, a true diamond, which has decorated our history and has made a huge contribution to the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in
  Wrocław – Rector Professor Roman Kołacz said while welcoming the Doctorates of Honoris Causa in the university’s Senate Hall.

Meeting with Honorary Doctorates

You are the finest and noblest asset to our University, a true diamond, which has decorated our history and has made a huge contribution to the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław – Rector Professor Roman Kołacz said while welcoming the Doctorates of Honoris Causa in the university’s Senate Hall.

He reminded attendees that the current year 2011 is also a year of round anniversaries. The first one, to celebrate the establishment of the Agricultural University of Wrocław, which was the direct predecessor of the present University of Environmental and Life Sciences. In addition, we are celebrating the 130th anniversary of agricultural sciences in Wrocław (in 1881 the Agricultural Institute was opened), the 155th anniversary of the Agricultural University in Dublany (near Lviv) and the 130th anniversary of the Academy of Veterinary Medicine in Lviv. Due to the decisions made by the great world powers, Lviv scholars had to leave behind their scientific workshops, laboratories, libraries and leave their possessions to start a new life amidst the ruins of Wroclaw – said the rector, adding that the pioneering years, and the atmosphere of university’s development in the capital of Lower Silesia was recalled in a film produced especially for the jubilee. He emphasized that the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, as the heir and successor of the achievements of scientists of Lviv, has co-created Wrocław academic history. The rector also stressed that the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is the only University of its kind in southwest Poland and is one of the finest specialist universities in the country; the graduates, whose total number has exceeded 60 thousand this year continue to be highly sought after specialists in the labor market.


- The 60-year history of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wroclaw reflects the political and cultural changes in the second half of the 20th century as well as the current decade - said Günter Verheugen, speaking on behalf of the honorary doctors. He reminded us that the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences has always held an optimistic view about Polish access to the European Union and the University staff made a considerable contribution to this iintegration. Günter Verheugen also noted that agricultural issues play a vital role in United Europe. The second speech was given by Professor Tadeusz Luty, who stressed the significance of academic integration and said that the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is the academic union’s strongest supporter and promoter both at a local and European level.

The rector invited up each of the present honorary doctors while unveiling the commemorative plaque. On their behalf, the first speaker was Professor Marian Truszczyński. He congratulated the University on the jubilee. Following him, Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz said in his long life, he could only recollect two events that were so beautiful and important: the Millennium of the Wrocław Archdiocese and today's 60th anniversary celebration of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. In order to celebrate these two significant events Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz gave a millennium ring to Rector Roman Kołacz. Congratulations and wishes were also given by Professor Yona Chen from Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Głos Uczelni

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