The Lower Silesian commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the introduction Martial Law began on the 5th of December with a concert in the Wrocław Opera House.


The Lower Silesian commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the introduction Martial Law began on the 5th of December with a concert in the Wrocław Opera House.

The performance entitled “A źródło wciąż bije…” (“And the source still gushes…”) was put on by theatre students from the Agnieszka Osiecka Secondary School number XVII in Wrocław. In the poetry-music program which rendered the atmosphere of those heroic times, scenography and arrangement, the students sang ballads from the Martial Law period interwoven with poems by Norwid, Herbert, Grechuta and Młynarski.


The board of the Lower Silesian Region of NSZZ „Solidarność” prepared a trade union distinction “Indomitables” awarded to the opposition activists for “suffered sacrifices, dedication, altruism, defense of human dignity and being faithful to ideals of “Solidarity” during its activity from1981-1989, and for the heroic fight for sovereign and independent Poland”. This special distinction was awarded for the first time this year. Professor Alexander Marek Zyśko from the Arts Academy in Wrocław designed the medal. The applications were approved by the chapter appointed by the board of the Lower Silesian Region of NSZZ „Solidarność”. Among the awarded people included workers from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław (at that time known as Agricultural Academy): Jerzy Weber, Jerzy Drozd, Marek Houszka, Kornel Ratajczak, Jerzy Chołast, Jerzy Kiersnowski, Janusz Szafrański, Jan Cebrat, Jan Hutny, Barbara Mąkosa, Henryk Jakubicki and Elżbieta Czekanowska.

Głos Uczelni

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