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We present the highest-score research papers of July 2024. These papers have ben published in journals with the highest Ministerial score – 200 points.
Rector Professor Roman Kołacz, who welcomed the invited guests by recalling the history and roots of the University, opened the University ceremony, which took place on Saturday the 18 December in John Paul II hall.
The commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was kicked off by a speech delivered by Dean Professor Jan Twardoń. This was followed by an address from Professor Roman Kołacz, rector of the Wrocław University of Environmental Life and Sciences.

Diplomats from Kazakhstan visited the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wroclaw – Yerik Utembayew, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Poland, and Margulan Baimukhan, minister's advisor – met with the university authorities during their two day visit in Lower Silesia region.
From today portraits may be admired of vice-chancellors, starting with a painting presenting Prof. Stanisław Tołpa, painted by Antoni Michalak, and a portrait of Prof. Jerzy Kowalski, painted by Andrzeja Dobrzanieckiego, and also portraits of Professors Alfred Sanze, Aleksander Tychowski, Tadeusz Garbuliński, Ryszard Badura, Józef Dzieżyc, Henryk Balbierz, Bronisław Jabłoński, Jerzy Juszczak, Tadeusz Szulc and Michał Mazurkiewicz, painted by Wrocław artist Dariusz Godlewski.
Elsevier publishing house has published a ranking of the world's most cited scientists. Representatives of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław are among the 200,000 most influential authors of scientific publications.




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