Research Internships

The purpose of this action is to enable exchange of researchers from Ukrainian universities. The Programme allows the participants to take part in the internship (lasting 30 days) aimed at increasing their competences and qualifications. The eligible participants must be First Stage Researcher (R1) (Up to the point of PhD), Recognised Researcher (R2) (PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent) or R3 - Established Researcher (Researchers who have developed a level of independence). The duration of research internships is 30 days, including 2 days for travel.

30 researchers from the Ukrainian universities can participate in the Research Internships.

Project implementation time frame: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023

Registration deadline: continuous recruitment

Flat rates for travel and subsistence costs effective in the Programme.

The total amount of the scholarship will be paid before arrival at the host institution on the Participant’s bank account.

Travel expenses, health insurance, third-party insurance, accident insurance, visa fees and costs of establishing residency

Straight-line distance between the home institution and the host institution (in km)*:

Flat rate amount per person:
less than 500 PLN 1,000.00
500 - 999 PLN 2,000.00
1,000 – 2,999 PLN 3,000.00
3,000 – 6,000 PLN 4,000.00
greater than 6,000 PLN 5,000.00

* Distances have been calculated with the use of Erasmus+ Distance Calculator

Cost of living (30 days)*

When traveling to OECD countries For other countries
PLN 12 000,00 PLN 8 000,00

* The number of days of one’s stay should be calculated as follows: the number of days of the event in which the participant is taking place + the maximum of 2 days (1 day to travel to the place of education and 1 day to travel back).

Before mobility

No. What? When? Comments
1 Contact the International Relations Office at the Receiving Institution (contact details can be found in the Information Sheet below) and get their approval for the participation in the research internship. When the Receiving Institution sends the nomination, you can fill the Declaration and proceed with the process.

Application Form and Mobility Plan – Attachment No. 1.1


Declaration of the Project Participant – Attachment No. 2.1

The Participant must be approved for the study visit by the Receiving Institution during the registration process.

Mobility must take place between January 2023 and December 2023 The application form and Declaration, duly filled in, should be sent to UPWr International Relations Office – and Anna Raułuszkiewicz – 
3 Financial agreement - Attachment No. 3.1 To be signed at least 2 weeks before leaving

The signing of the financial agreement is compulsory. In order to do it the following information is needed:

  • the precise starting date and the precise final date of one’s stay at the consortium’s partner,
  • the scope of activities,
  • bank details (bank name, IBAN No., SWIFT). Please make sure that your bank accepts transfers in Polish currency – PLN.

The above data should be sent to the UPWr International Relations Office – and Anna Raułuszkiewicz – at least 5 working days before signing the agreement.

4 Airline/train/bus tickets Before leaving The Beneficiary buys tickets on his/her own.

After mobility

No. What? When? Comments
1 Mobility certificate – Attachment No. 4 In the period of two weeks after the end of the mobility

To be signed by the university’s representative at the consortium's partner.

The original document should be sent to UPWr International Relations Office*.

2 Declarations of Project Participant – Attachments No. 2.1 and Attachments No. 2.2 and Financial agreement – Attachment No. 3.1 In the period of two weeks after the end of the mobility The original document should be sent to UPWr International Relations Office*.

* International Relations Office address:

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, International Relations Office
25 Norwida St., building A1, room No. 202
50-375 Wrocław, Poland

Country Consortium’s Partner Responsible person - contact
Poland Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences Ms. Anna Raułuszkiewicz – 
Sweden University of Gävle Ms. Malin Hillman – 
Italy Universitá di Parma Mrs. Theonil Lugo and Ms. Federica Ignoti -
France Université D’Angers Mr. Francoise Hocquet –
Portugal Universidade de Évora

Ms. Marina Cordeiro –

Germany Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg Mr. Uwe Genetzke – 
Romania Universitatea Din Oradea Ms. Carmen Buran – 
Ireland Atlantic Technological University Mr. John Andy Bon –  
Spain Universidad de Extremadura Ms. Cristina Gallardo – 

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