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Piotr Kornatowski

Wojciech Kornatowski

dr Katarzyna Kornicka-Garbowska

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Olena Korniienko

  • DS „Raj”
    Position: pokojowa
    Email: olena.korniienko@upwr.edu.pl
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Chancellor's Office Division » Vice-Chancellor for Administrative » Building Management Centre » DS „Raj”

mgr inż. Barbara Korszun

  • Human Resources and Payroll Department
    Function: zastępca dyrektora ds. płac
    Position: zastępca dyrektora ds. płac
    Email: barbara.korszun@upwr.edu.pl
    Phone: +48 71 320 5426
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Office Division of Vice-Rector for Human Resources and University Development » Human Resources and Payroll Department

dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Korzeniowska, profesor uczelni

USOSweb employee profile USOSweb employee calendar knowledge base profile UPWr
mgr Magdalena Kosek

  • Main Library
    Position: bibliotekarz
    Email: magdalena.kosek@upwr.edu.pl
    Phone: +48 71 320 5155, 71 320 5449
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Office Division of Vice-Rector for Research » Main Library
  • Resource Sharing Department
    Position: bibliotekarz
    Email: magdalena.kosek@upwr.edu.pl
    Phone: +48 71 320 5155, 71 320 5449
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Office Division of Vice-Rector for Research » Main Library » Resource Sharing Department
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dr Katarzyna Kosek-Paszkowska, profesor uczelni

USOSweb employee profile USOSweb employee calendar knowledge base profile UPWr
mgr Ewa Kosik

dr inż. Katarzyna Kosiorowska

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