1st stage


The recruitment commission decided to open a second round of recruitment (supplementary recruitment):

  • 1-2 September 2020 – Register online at https://apply.upwr.edu.pl/en_PL
  • 15 September 2020 – Successful candidates will be notified of passing to 2nd Stage and invited for an on-line interview

  • 1-2 July 2020 – Register online at https://apply.upwr.edu.pl/en_PL
  • 14 July 2020 – Successful candidates will be notified of passing to 2nd Stage and invited for an on-line interview

Assessment Criteria

The candidate’s assessment is based on the documented achievements stated in the Candidate’s Card.

Grade conversion:

Polish grade Definition British and US equivalent ECTS grade
5.0 Very good – outstanding performance with only minor errors A A
4.5 Good plus – above the average standard but with some errors B
4.0 Good – generally sound work with a number of notable errors C
3.5 Satisfactory plus – fair but with significant shortcomings C D
3.0 Satisfactory/a credit passing grade – performance meets the minimum criteria E
2.0 Unsatisfactory/insufficient – fail, some more work required before the credit can be awarded D, F F

Online recruitment system

(registration opened from 1st to 2nd July 2020)

Registration manual

Required documents

  1. Approved statement of GPA for the entire course of study (1st and 2nd cycle programme or unified master’s degree, exclusive of the diploma work and diploma examination)
  2. A transcript of the candidate’s graduation diploma for a 2nd cycle study programme or unified Master’s degree programme affixed with an apostille (or legalised) or translated into Polish (detailed requirements) – more information
    Note: if the candidate doesn’t manage to obtain apostille or legalisation of the diploma in the time of online recruitment it obligatory to have it done before enrolling to the UPWr Doctoral School. Failing to do so will result in expelling the candidate from the students’ list
  3. Supervisor’s references
  4. Language certificate (certificates, statements issued by the organizational entity responsible for foreign language education at the relevant university/internationally acknowledged certificates).
  5. Candidate’s Card, which constitutes an appendix to this resolution, enclosed with documents confirming stated achievements.
  6. Consent for acceptance of the potential PhD supervisor from the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (scan of e-mail)
  7. Confirmation of paying the recruitment fee in the amount of EUR 50 (payment transfer title: first name surname, Doctoral School recruitment, D012/0005/20).
    Please make a deposit to the following account:
    IBAN: PL62102052420000210200292045
    Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności
    Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna, IV Oddział
    Ul. Gepperta 4
    50-950 WROCŁAW

Model statements confirming the achievements stated in the Candidate’s Card

  1. Statement: active participation in a research or R&D project financed form external sources, e.g. NCN, NCBR, H2020 before the day of submission of the application to the Doctoral School.
  2. Statement: participation in the activities of a science club.
  3. Statement: participation in a foreign academic training programme of at least 4 weeks.
  4. Statement: participation in a research or R&D project financed from external sources (e.g. NCN, NCBR, H2020) and the completion of the main assumptions of the PhD dissertation written as part of this project – points are given provided the candidate’s participation in the project lasts for at least 12 months starting from 1 October of the year when the recruitment procedure takes place.

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