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Two cooperating Leading Research Teams – WCE and SpaceOS – have become partners of the international WATERAGRI project which is looking for new ways of managing water in agriculture and can improve plant production.

Wrocław Civic Budget. How to help local activists in changing the image of the housing estate where they live? Students of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław participated in social consultancies within the scope of the Civic Laboratory programme.
Young scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences were awarded PLN 1,936,687 in the National Science Centre Preludium 20 competition. We present another five projects covering, among others, airborne laser scanning, research on human mobility, the influence of microorganisms on polyphenolic compounds and changes in Icelandic soil.

Scientists from three Priority Research Areas adopted at the university – Veterinary Science, Technology and Food Sciences, and Environmental Sciences – submitted 22 project applications from October 2021 to March 2022 in international competitions for research projects under the Horizon Europe programme.
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is the first university in Poland to become a member of the Open Geospatial Consortium, a global organisation which works on research and promoting geospatial standards.
Students, PhD candidates and scientists from all over Europe took part in a 5-day on-line workshop "Remote Sensing of Environment" organized by the UPWr and the European Space Agency within the framework of the INCREaSE project.
Between the 13th and 15th of September the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences welcomed nearly a thousand visitors: veterinarians, scientists, animal breeders, food producers and food processors, as well as the representatives of pharmaceutical companies and animal care organizations.
PhD students Sepideh Fallahi, Joanna Bubak and Hassanali Mollashahi talk about their experience with the UPWr Doctoral School's tutoring programme one year on.

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