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Being an archaeologist or anthropologist is similar to being a detective, except that the evidence and clues are better hidden. Dr. Paweł Konczewski and human biology student Weronika Sądzińska talk about how to look for clues, the need to combine human sciences and natural sciences, the importance of discovering forgotten German concentration camps, as well as excavation work.
Branches of German concentration camps will be investigated by a Polish-Czech team of scientists from the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Dr. Pawel Konczewski will lead the research on part of the UPWr, while the team leader from the Czech Republic is Associate Professor Pavel Vařeka.
Mateusz Łużny – together with his team – has won the title of “Student-inventor” for a series of 45 inventions related to the production of flavonoid compounds. This is the third consecutive victory for a PhD student from the UPWr Department of Chemistry.
Students from the Anthropologists Science Club „Juvenis” take part annually in archaeological excavations under the supervision of scientists from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. By learning what it's like to be an anthropologist, they support a team of Polish-Czech scientists conducting rescue research ahead of the expansion of a coal mine, that will engulf the remnants of the extinct, 800-year-old village of Libkovice in northwestern Czech Republic.
A beer brewed by graduates of the Faculty of Food Science at the Wrocław 100 Bridges Brewery (Browar Stu Mostów) won the title of the Best New Beer in the World, 2016.
Branches of German concentration camps will be investigated by a Polish-Czech team of scientists from the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Dr. Pawel Konczewski will lead the research on part of the UPWr, while the team leader from the Czech Republic is Associate Professor Pavel Vařeka.
Mateusz Łużny – together with his team – has won the title of “Student-inventor” for a series of 45 inventions related to the production of flavonoid compounds. This is the third consecutive victory for a PhD student from the UPWr Department of Chemistry.
Students from the Anthropologists Science Club „Juvenis” take part annually in archaeological excavations under the supervision of scientists from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. By learning what it's like to be an anthropologist, they support a team of Polish-Czech scientists conducting rescue research ahead of the expansion of a coal mine, that will engulf the remnants of the extinct, 800-year-old village of Libkovice in northwestern Czech Republic.
A beer brewed by graduates of the Faculty of Food Science at the Wrocław 100 Bridges Brewery (Browar Stu Mostów) won the title of the Best New Beer in the World, 2016.
Results: 61 - 70 of 26 subpages