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Poland uses only 25% of its potential for hydropower. We still underestimate the importance of water as a source of energy – believes Prof. Robert Kasperek from the Institute of Environmental Engineering at UPWr. – And increasing the share of hydroelectric power by even a few percent would improve the country's energy security.
Prof. Anna Chełmońska-Soyta, Vice-Chancellor of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences for internationalisation, on the equality plan at UPWr, its implementation and the opportunities provided by EU Green in this aspect: – There is still a barrier for women to participate in decision-making. The consortium has adopted a plan to work on parity.
Counteracting inequalities and mobbing is one of the requirements of the European Charter for Researchers
We wanted to recreate meadows and their biodiversity destroyed by goldenrods – says Prof. Magdalena Szymura. For six years she conducted an experiment with plants that had become an inspiration for poets and a nuisance for biologists.
Is the air in Poland really getting worse? What methods work best for modelling atmospheric pollution? Can better early warning systems be developed?
Scientists from three Priority Research Areas adopted at the university – Veterinary Science, Technology and Food Sciences, and Environmental Sciences – submitted 22 project applications from October 2021 to March 2022 in international competitions for research projects under the Horizon Europe programme.
Newly appointed Professor Zbigniew Lazar on whether yeast can be used to make fuel for planes, what biotechnology has changed in life sciences and the benefits of international internships.

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