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Genetics is the science of the future – Professor Alina Wieliczko, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Regional Cooperation, said in opening statements on behalf of Rector Professor Roman Kołacz. These words marked the beginning of a three-day genetics conference, including topics on many aspects of scientific achievements regarding animal genetics in both farm and wild animals.
Julia Pietrasina, Maria Noszczyk, Marta Marcinek and Michaela Sulkenikova from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences are among the scholarship holders of the 2021 Veterinary Student Scholarship Programme organised by MSD Animal Health and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe.

Curie-Skłodowskiej St. 42, 50-375 Wrocław PL,room 201/202/206 Krzysztof KafarskiHead of International Relations Officetel. +48 71 320 1024e-mail: krzysztof.kafarski@upwr.edu.pl Anna RaułuszkiewiczDeputy Head of International Relations Officetel. +48 71 320 5103e-mail: anna.rauluszkiewicz@upwr.edu.pl Maria BłaszczukInternational Relations Officertel. +48 71 320 5186e-mail: maria.blaszczuk@upwr.edu.pl Sylwia PopielInternational Relations Officertel. +48 71 320 (...)

On 10 April 2010 on the way to commemoration ceremony of the 70 th anniversary of the Katyn massacre the President of the Republic of Poland Mr Lech Kaczynski, the First Lady Mrs Maria Kaczynska, members of the Polish delegation and crew lost their lives.


The jury of the Jan Zachwatowicz International Competition of PKN ICOMOS for the best student dissertations dealing with the issue of cultural heritage protection has awarded Małgorzata Furtak an honorable mention for her dissertation entitled “Revitalization of Brewery in Sobótka Górka as an Element of Tourist Development in Sobótka District”.


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