The jury of the Jan Zachwatowicz International Competition of PKN ICOMOS for the best student dissertations dealing with the issue of cultural heritage protection has awarded Małgorzata Furtak an
honorable mention for her dissertation entitled “Revitalization of Brewery in Sobótka Górka as an Element of Tourist Development in Sobótka District”.

Laureate of the Jan Zachwatowicz International Competition of PKN ICOMOS

The jury of the Jan Zachwatowicz International Competition of PKN ICOMOS for the best student dissertations dealing with the issue of cultural heritage protection has awarded Małgorzata Furtak an honorable mention for her dissertation entitled “Revitalization of Brewery in Sobótka Górka as an Element of Tourist Development in Sobótka District”.

Małogrzata Furtak is a student of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy. Her thesis supervisor is Dr. Renata Gubańska and the reviewer is Maria Sarnik-Konieczna MSc.

The award ceremony will take place on 5 March 2010 at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

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ICOMOS, the International Council on Monuments and Sites, founded in 1965, is an international non-governmental organization affiliated with UNESCO. The primary concerns of ICOMOS relate to popularizing methods of cultural heritage protection and monument conservation. It supports new research on theories and technology used for the preservation of historical heritage including buildings and architectural complexes; urban and historical layouts of cities; palace, garden and residential layouts, as well as archeological and cultural sites. One significant activity is evaluating buildings and sites that wish to be nominated for addition to the UNESCO World Heritage List. ICOMOS monitors Polish cities, monuments and sites which are on the World Heritage List.

Głos Uczelni

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