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Comittee for Evaluation of Scientific Units has graded units’ scientific and research-development activities, Wrocław University of Life Sciences’ faculties included. The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science, as a composite unit, has been awarded with the highest grade – A+.
Biocervin is a unique, world scale project thus the scientists working on it present it at the biggest international conferences.
The Doctoral School of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is closely connected with Leading Research Groups, which leaders and members are supervisors of doctoral theses written at the school, and together with a doctoral students’ representative form the Doctoral School Council. Two years after its formation, the Doctoral School and its doctoral students are undergoing evaluation.
We present the highest-score research papers of April 2021.
Ten young scientists from UPWr took part in the summer school of the SEASONED project organised by the Miguel Hernandez de Elche University in Orihuela (UMH) and coordinated by Wrocław University of Environmental Life Sciences. For five days, they learnt the ins and outs of sensory analysis, visited laboratories and local markets and discussed with representatives of leading Spanish food producers.
Can science help save lynx, tigers or cheetahs? Professor Wojciech Niżański from the UPWr believes so. To this end his team is creating a sperm bank: they intend to freeze the reproductive cells of animals in order to save them from extinction in the future, thanks to in vitro methods.
Bioeconomy is our future, also on the job market. That's why Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) together with Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) open English-language studies in Bioeconomy. The agreement on the joint degree programme was signed on Monday by the rectors of both Wroclaw universities – Prof. Jaroslaw Bosy and Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs.
15 Leading Research Teams have been established, which will work on the development of 7 evaluated disciplines at UPWr. We present the leaders and the scope of research of each team.
Academic institutions of Wrocław will join together to welcome the new academic year. This unprecedented event shows how great the potential of the academic community of our city is, and how high is the status of Wrocław as a centre of science and education.

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