
New parametric evaluation of UPWr faculties

Comittee for Evaluation of Scientific Units has graded units’ scientific and research-development activities, Wrocław University of Life Sciences’ faculties included. The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science, as a composite unit, has been awarded with the highest grade – A+.

This is the first such complex parametric evaluation of Polish scientific units since 2013. Almost 1000 units in 8 areas were evaluated. Four criteria were taken into consideration: scientific and creative achievements, scientific potential, practical results of scientific and artistic activities, and remaining results of scientific and artistic activities. Based on these criteria the units were broken down into scientific categories – A, B or C. Additionally, units that stand out in terms of the quality of conducted scientific research or development and in terms of results of their implementation were selected and categorized as A+.

This is how the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science at UPWr was categorized. The Faculty’s dean, prof. Anna Czubaszek is saying openly that this kind of parametric evaluation is a success and proof of research quality, the number of publications and registered research scientists.

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, WUELS,
fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

– We have really fine research teams dealing with biotransformations, research on polyphenol compounds in fruit and vegetables, yeast – especially Yarrowia lipolytica, starch, natural polymer coating, and what’s important, we have at our disposal great equipment thanks to which our analytic research is of high quality. This research results in our publications being printed in top-notch journals and in us being granted patents, which in turn led to the highest parametric grade we were awarded. It indeed is a reason for our entire faculty to be proud – says prof. Agnieszka Kita, responsible for the preparation of an application form for Comittee for Evaluation of Scientific Units.

– No man is able to single-handedly work out a success like that. The entire faculty worked for it. I have to admit that it was really helpful having the status of Leading National Research Centre, which translated into publications in high-scored scientific journals – adds prof. Józefa Chrzanowska, former faculty dean, admitting that the evaluation is not only the result of the entire faculty’s efforts but the result of many years of said efforts.

A grade was awarded to the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. By contrast, B grade was awarded to the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy and the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology.

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, WUELS,
fot. Tomasz Lewandowski

According to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, compared to the evaluation from 2013, the number of scientific units with grades A+, A and C has  increased and, by contrast, the number of scientific units with B grades has decreased.

Universities have improved their results, especially within the scientific and creative achievements criterion, where the number and quality of publications in renowned journals and the number of monographs are evaluated. In online surveys, which were the basis for the Comittee to perform the evaluation, universities and institutions  presented approximately one million results connected with scientific activities. Roughly 180 experts of all areas of science and art, working in 21 teams, took part in the evaluation.

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Głos Uczelni

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