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Adrian Wasilewski

Tomasz Wasylów

  • DS „Raj”
    Position: pracownik gospodarczy
    Email: tomasz.wasylow@upwr.edu.pl
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Chancellor's Office Division » Vice-Chancellor for Administrative » Building Management Centre » DS „Raj”

Marek Wasylów

mgr Wiktoria Waszczuk

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Bogusław Waśko

  • Resource and Teaching Support Centre
    Position: starszy technik
    Email: boguslaw.wasko@upwr.edu.pl
    Phone: +48 609 655 509
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Office Division of Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education » Resource and Teaching Support Centre
  • Teaching Aids Section
    Position: starszy technik
    Email: boguslaw.wasko@upwr.edu.pl
    Phone: +48 609 655 509
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Office Division of Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education » Resource and Teaching Support Centre » Teaching Aids Section
USOSweb employee profile USOSweb employee calendar knowledge base profile UPWr
Beata Wawrzyk

mgr inż. Piotr Wawrzyniak

dr Milena Wawrzyniak-Kostrowicka

USOSweb employee profile USOSweb employee calendar knowledge base profile UPWr
mgr inż. Marcin Wawrzyńczak

  • University IT Centre
    Position: administrator uczelni systemu pol-on
    Email: marcin.wawrzynczak@upwr.edu.pl
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Office Division of Vice-Rector for Human Resources and University Development » University IT Centre
  • Educational Systems Section
    Position: administrator uczelni systemu pol-on
    Email: marcin.wawrzynczak@upwr.edu.pl
    Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences » Office Division of Vice-Rector for Human Resources and University Development » University IT Centre » Educational Systems Section

Bartosz Wąsik

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