Research papers of the week – September 18, 2023

Feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1) enters the cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis

Aleksandra Synowiec; Agnieszka Dąbrowska; Magdalena Pachota; Meriem Baouche; Katarzyna Owczarek; Wojciech Niżański; Krzysztof Pyrc
Journal of Virology

Ministerial score = 140.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 5.4 (Q2)

journal_of_virology.jpgFeline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) is an enveloped dsDNA virus belonging to the Herpesviridae family and is considered one of the two primary viral etiological factors of feline upper respiratory tract disease. In this study, we investigated the entry of FHV-1 into host cells using two models: the AK-D cell line and primary feline skin fibroblasts (FSFs). We employed confocal microscopy, siRNA silencing, and selective inhibitors of various entry pathways. Our observations revealed that the virus enters cells via pH and dynamin-dependent endocytosis, as the infection was significantly inhibited by NH4Cl, bafilomycin A1, dynasore, and mitmab. Additionally, genistein, nystatin, and filipin treatments, siRNA knock-down of caveolin-1, as well as FHV-1 and caveolin-1 colocalization suggest the involvement of caveolin-mediated endocytosis during the entry process. siRNA knock-down of clathrin heavy chain and analysis of virus particle colocalization with clathrin indicated that clathrin-mediated endocytosis also takes part in the primary cells. This is the first study to systematically examine FHV-1 entry into host cells, and for the first time, we describe FHV-1 replication in AK-D and FSFs.




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