Research papers of the week – October 21, 2024

The Role of Dietary Ingredients and Herbs in the Prevention of Non-Communicable Chronic Liver Disease

Monika Maćków; Tomasz Dziubyna; Tatiana Jamer; Dmytro Slivinskyi; Tomasz Pytrus; Katarzyna Neubauer; Małgorzata Zwolińska-Wcisło; Andrzej Stawarski; Ewa Piotrowska; Dorian Nowacki

Ministerial score = 140.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 4.8 (Q1)

nutrients-1.jpgBackground: Liver diseases are among the most commonly diagnosed conditions, with the main risk factors being inappropriate lifestyles, including poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, low physical activity and smoking, including electronic cigarettes. Non-communicable chronic liver diseases also often develop as a result of accompanying overweight and obesity, as well as type 2 diabetes. Methods: The literature on risk factors for non-communicable chronic liver diseases, which show a high strong influence on their occurrence, was analysed. Results: Measures to prevent non-communicable chronic liver disease include the selection of suitable food ingredients that have proven protective effects on the liver. Such ingredients include dietary fibre, probiotics, herbs, various types of polyphenols and fatty acids (omega-3). Conclusions: Because of their liver-protective effects, nutritionists recommend consuming vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices that provide valuable ingredients with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. These components should be provided with food and, in the case of probiotics, supplementation appears to be important. As a preventive measure, a diet rich in these nutrients is therefore recommended, as well as one that prevents overweight and other diseases that can result in liver disease.




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