Research papers of the week – January 9, 2023

Protein-Coding Region Derived Small RNA in Exosomes from Influenza A Virus–Infected Cells

Małgorzata Kwasnik; Wojciech Socha; Bartosz Czech; Magdalena Wasiak; Jerzy Rola; Wojciech Rozek
International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Ministerial score = 140.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 6.208 (Q1)

international_journal_od_molecular_sciences.jpgExosomes may function as multifactorial mediators of cell-to-cell communication, playing crucial roles in both physiological and pathological processes. Exosomes released from virus-infected cells may contain RNA and proteins facilitating infection spread. The purpose of our study was to analyze how the small RNA content of exosomes is affected by infection with the influenza A virus (IAV). Exosomes were isolated by ultracentrifugation after hemadsorption of virions and their small RNA content was identified using high-throughput sequencing. As compared to mock-infected controls, 856 RNA transcripts were significantly differentially expressed in exosomes from IAV-infected cells, including fragments of 458 protein-coding (pcRNA), 336 small, 28 long intergenic non-coding RNA transcripts, and 33 pseudogene transcripts. Upregulated pcRNA species corresponded mainly to proteins associated with translation and antiviral response, and the most upregulated among them were RSAD2, CCDC141 and IFIT2. Downregulated pcRNA species corresponded to proteins associated with the cell cycle and DNA packaging. Analysis of differentially expressed pseudogenes showed that in most cases, an increase in the transcription level of pseudogenes was correlated with an increase in their parental genes. Although the role of exosome RNA in IAV infection remains undefined, the biological processes identified based on the corresponding proteins may indicate the roles of some of its parts in IAV replication.




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