European Charter for Researchers


The University’s aim is to boost innovation and competitiveness by creating an atmosphere that stimulates scientific research. It is one of our priorities to ensure that researchers benefit from stable employment at every stage of their careers and that their work environment is both friendly and ethical. That is why the University applied for the HRS4R Award in 2016 and since then has been making every effort to fully meet all the requirements contained in The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

University will benefit from HR Excellence in Research logo in numerous ways:

  • promotion of research unit in national and  international grant competitions,
  • prestige and recognition of the University as an institution that provides its researchers the best work environment for both research and research and development (R+D), according to European standards,
  • major increase in attractiveness with regard to employment with the University that provides friendly work environment and transparent recruitment proceedings,
  • creation of awareness of the Institution strengths and weaknesses,
  • bringing opportunities to share practice with other award-holders and organisations working towards the Award.

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