Action taken

  • January 2023 – Development of a satisfaction survey for all UPWr employees
  • 25th of January 2023 – training for management staff in the field of: soft skills, team management, recruitment procedures and rules, as well as Logo HR Strategy
  • February 2023 – participation of HR employees in conference "Scientific excellence has no gender"
  • March 2023 – training in the area of ​​stereotypes and overcoming barriers in the context of people with disabilities
  • April 2023 – Commencement of the evaluating positions process and development of a motivation system for admin employees; JKM Consulting
  • 20th of April 2023 – "Efficient management of human resources development" training conducted by JKM Consulting. The role of leader, conflict management in team, communication in the group, transparency of recruitment processes. The training also included a module on HRSR4 principles
  • 25-26th of April 2023 – training for UPWr employees in the field of team communication and enterprise communication management. Training conducted by Brainstorm Company
  • April 2023 – introduction of Polish language classes for foreign employees
  • May 2023 – commencement of work on new regulations for conducting job competitions for academic positions along with the development of dedicated annexes, in line with the OTM-R principles
  • June - December 2023 – preparation of documents:
    - questionnaire about recruitment interview for applicants,
    - gender equality compendium,
    - rules regarding gender balance in teams/committees,
    - guide for candidates applying for an academic position,
    - good practice handbook for recruitment committee members,
    - information form for employees on a long-term absence
  • 14th and 22nd of June 2023 – "Counteracting the negative effects of stress and mobbing in the workplace”. Training conducted by Barbara Serafinowska from the State Labor Inspection.
  • 29th June 2023 – GEP Working Group Meeting.
  • July 2023 – Mandatory inclusion of the HR Award and EU GREEN logotypes in UPWr employee e-mails
  • 19th of September 2023 – meeting with representatives from the University of Angers: Road map for cooperation within EU GREEN Alliance in the area of ​​HRS4R
  • 10 - 12th of October 2023 – "Diversity in the workplace (transgender persons, LGBT+, others) stereotypes, types of discrimination, micro prejudices, how to react to discrimination? – good practices” Training of approximately 250 UPWr employees, in the field of equal treatment of all genders, combating implicit bias and stereotypes and expanding awareness. Shaping good practices in situations of contacts between employees, students and job applicants.
  • 8th of November 2023 – "Undesirable phenomena in the work environment and reporting procedures" Anti-mobbing training conducted by counsel Ms. Katarzyna Schmidt-Kwiecińska
  • November 2023 – „Public speaking, self-presentation and voice emission”, training for 60 employees carried out within the Staff Academy programme
  • November 2023 – „Stress management techniques”, training for 60 employees carried out within the Staff Academy programme
  • November 2023 – "Interpersonal and team communication, conflict solving strategies", training for 60 employees carried out within the Staff Academy programme
  • November 2023 – "Online work – IT tools in the cloud", training for 60 employees carried out within the Staff Academy programme
  • 4th of January 2022 – Gender Equality Plan approved by the Rector
  • 5th of January 2022 – Publication of the Gender Equality Plan link
  • 24th of February 2022 – Introduction of the Policy for counteracting undesirable experiences – mobbing, discrimination and sexual harassment link
  • 28th of March 2022 - 1st of May 2022 – Conducting the Unisafe survey
  • 20th of June 2022  – Meeting of the Working Group with representatives of the Lodz University of Technology and the Medical University of Wroclaw regarding the exchange of good practices in the development and implementation of the Gender Equality Plan and the employment of scientists from Poland and abroad
  • 30th of June 2022 – Meeting of the Gender Equality Plan Team in order to summarize the activities undertaken so far and discussing the next steps related to the task schedule
  • 4th of July 2022 – Meeting of the Working Group with head of the Recruitment and Employee Development Section regarding the exchange of experiences and good practices in the recruitment process of scientists from Poland and abroad
  • 12th of July 2022 – training course on people with special needs for the managing staff
  • 26th of September 2022 - change of staff in the Working Group link
  • 14 - 15th of December 2022 – training for management staff in the area of ​​soft skills, team management. Presentation of recruitment procedures and rules, as well as the Logo HR strategy
  • 22nd of December 2022 – summary meeting of the Working Group
  • 8th of January 2021 – meeting with the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Disabled People
  • 14th of April 2021 – Quarterly meeting of the Committee for Implementation 
  • 26th of May 2021 – meeting of the HR Logo Strategy Monitoring Group 
  • 1st of July 2021 – participation in the “Gender Equality Plans - a new criterion in Horizon Europe” webinar 
  • 7th of September 2021 – Quarterly meeting of the Committee for Implementation in order to discuss the work progress, modernising  the HR Department Website and the guide for new employees.
  • 30th of September 2021 – meeting of a marketing team and the LOGO HR working group, discussing changes to the academic teacher admission procedure.
  • 24th and 27th of September 2021 – training in psychosocial risks in the workplace for managing staff. 
  • 1st of October 2021 – creation and the first meeting of the Gender Equality Plan Team.
  • 5th of November 2021 – participation in the Gender Equality Plan webinar organized by the Perspektywy education portal.
  • 3rd of December 2022  – meeting of the Gender Equality Plan Team concerning the survey for employees and students.
  • 7-15th of December  – conducting the Gender Equality Plan survey.
  • 8th of December 2021 – transforming the Independent Position of the Spokesperson for Anti-discrimination into an Independent Position of the Spokesperson for Counteracting Irregularities and Implementing Corrective Actions. Defining his tasks assigned to the Spokesperson link.
  • 13th of December 2022 – Quarterly meeting of the Committee for Implementation in order to discuss the work plan and scope for 2022. 
  • 16th of December 2021 – Introduction of the Procedure for disclosing of irregularities and protection of persons reporting violations of the law link.
  • 30th of December 2021 – introduction of the Anti-corruption policy and counteracting corruption threats link
  • April 2020 – changing schedueled meetings into an online format
  • 20th of May 2020 – taking part in the “HR Excellence in Research: Application - Implementation - Assessment” webinar organised by the Regional Centre for Innovation & Technology Transfer.
  • May-July 2020 – holding a series of meetings on the modernization of the Human Resources Department website and the guide for new employees.
  • 5th of August 2020 – Working Group meeting with the Human Resources Director to establish an action plan for the next six months.
  • 20th of September 2020 – meeting of the HR Logo Strategy Monitoring Group 
  • 4th of November 2020 – meeting with the Research Program Specialist from the Regional Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union.
  • 17th of November 2020 – participation in the webinar ”HR Strategy for Researchers – Virtual Info Day”

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