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One of the biggest research projects in Poland, and certainly the biggest at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, "Innovative technologies of production of biopreparations based on new generation eggs (OVOCURA)", is coming to an end.


Paulina Strugała from the Department of Physics and Biophysics received a National Science Centre’s ”Preludium 13” grant for research on health-promoting properties of colored variety potatoes. They can have an anticancerous effect, among others.
Joanna Kowalska, PhD, Sabina Lachowicz-Wiśniewska, PhD, and Radosław Zajdel, whose PhD thesis defence lies ahead, have received START 2021 scholarships from the Foundation for Polish Science.
Joanna Kozłowska, a doctoral student at the Chemistry Institute of UPWr has become a prizewinner of the “Student-inventor” competition for her series of 46 inventions. In the future her research may help in the struggle with cancer.
Five scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences received grants within the National Science Centre competition – Opus 15. Their combined value is almost 4 million PLN.
The Department of Systems Research is a new unit created within the Faculty of Spatial Economy and Landscape Architecture. It is headed by Dr. Iwona Kaczmarek.
NAWA – the National Agency for Academic Exchange, has granted funding under the STER programme for the Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools. The Doctoral School of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences came in third place among 16 institutions, receiving over PLN 2 million in funding.

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