
UPWr has established a Department of Systems Research

The Department of Systems Research is a new unit created within the Faculty of Spatial Economy and Landscape Architecture. It is headed by Dr. Iwona Kaczmarek.

The establishment of the Department of Systems Research stemmed from the interest of the scientific staff of the Institute of Spatial Economy in data analytics and artificial intelligence, according to its head, Dr. Iwona Kaczmarek. The department comprises of two units: the Department of Strategic Analysis and the Department of Socio-Economic Analytics. These names represent the dedicated individuals and their research activities.

– With the emergence of new research areas and the dynamic development of the Institute of Spatial Economy, there was a natural need to create a new specialized unit that brings together a group of scientists with shared interests and research topics – says Dr. Kaczmarek. She adds that its establishment aims to support more efficient resource management, better planning and organization of educational activities, and more effective collaboration and implementation of research projects.

Zespół Katedry Badań Systemowych, nowej jednostki na UPWr
The team of the Department of Systems Research, the new unit at UPWr
Photo by Tomasz Lewandowski

The research conducted at the Institute of Spatial Economy, from which all members of the new department originate, is very broad, covering a wide range of social, environmental, technical, and spatial issues. A common denominator uniting all current employees of the department is the use of new technologies to address the problems they face. Researchers at the Department of Systems Research focus on studying complex socio-environmental systems, including comprehensive climate change adaptations, urban systems and network structure analyses, and multidimensional issues of an aging society. They employ advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence to propose solutions that not only address current challenges but also respond to future threats.

– The combination of scientific knowledge and the latest technologies is crucial for a deeper understanding and effective resolution of contemporary civilizational and environmental processes. Systems thinking and complex problem-solving skills are competencies of the 21st century that we aim to creatively develop – explains Dr. Kaczmarek.

Kierownikiem Katedry Badań Systemowych jest dr hab. inż. Iwona Kaczmarek
The department is headed by Dr. Iwona Kaczmarek.
photo by Tomasz Lewandowski

The department has a Facebook profile where you can find a video explaining what systems and systems research are. Additionally, information about competitions and open scientific events that may interest students of the recently established Faculty of Spatial Economy and Landscape Architecture, graduates, and anyone intrigued by the broad and interdisciplinary scope of systems research is shared there. The staff continues to carry out research projects initiated under the Institute of Spatial Economy, and they also apply for new funding in ongoing competitions.

– In the near future, we plan to intensify research in developing modern systems analysis tools for studying environmental, social, and urban systems, with a particular focus on quality of life assessment and supporting cities in adapting to demographic changes – says Dr. Kaczmarek, highlighting that department employees are engaged in research covering new areas such as social data science, decision support systems, location intelligence, and business intelligence. This diversification not only enriches knowledge in the field of socio-economic geography and spatial economy but also opens new opportunities for applying data and technology in solving current social and economic problems.

– Change is a process and is inevitable. Many issues are viewed differently today than they were 20 years ago. Our understanding and approach to many topics have evolved significantly in recent years, partly due to the development of new analytical technologies. At the department, we not only observe this process but actively strive to push existing boundaries by engaging in interdisciplinary projects that integrate knowledge from various scientific fields to analyze and understand space innovatively. It’s a broad perspective, but we aim to tackle it and invite specialists and researchers who are not primarily urban planners or spatial planners but who look at space and the problems embedded in it more broadly – emphasizes Dr. Kaczmarek, adding that opinions about artificial intelligence vary, but the department's approach focuses on maximizing its potential in their research.

The researchers are engaged in studies covering new areas such as social data science, decision support systems, location intelligence, and business intelligence.

In the field of broadly understood spatial economy, the most widespread applications currently include the concepts of smart cities and digital twins, which utilize advanced analysis of sensor data or social data. This is reflected in practice in monitoring air quality, managing urban transport, or regulating traffic flow. Artificial intelligence is also gaining importance in urban and architectural practice, with initiatives being taken to design cities using AI algorithms, including the concept of 15-minute cities.

– Artificial intelligence can act like a black box, making it significantly difficult to understand why it generates certain results. This challenge is particularly evident, for example, in large language models, which are a form of generative artificial intelligence. These systems use advanced algorithms to create new content based on extensive data sets. They are continually learning, providing increasingly better and more accurate responses. The rapid development of these technologies gives hope that in the future, AI will be able to support us even more effectively in solving various problems. At the same time, I believe that each AI application requires an individual approach and adaptation to specific needs and conditions – emphasizes Dr. Kaczmarek.

Systems research involves studying complex systems in various contexts, such as social, economic, environmental, or urban systems. The goal of systems research is to understand how different parts of the system interact and influence each other. It employs a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, often combining knowledge from various fields. Research includes analyzing how the components of a system work together, the dependencies between them, and how best to manage complex problems. Tools used in this research may include advanced mathematical modeling, knowledge-based systems, computer simulations, decision support systems, and data analysis, which together form the foundation for solving problems in an integrated and efficient manner. Systems research is one of the most current and modern directions today, among the fastest-growing in the world, combining theoretical advancement, high innovation, and rapid technological progress.

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