  The University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław will receive nearly PLN10m in funding from the European Social Fund (ESF) for the creation of new departments - Bioinformatics and
  Production Management and Engineering. The goal of the project is also to improve the qualifications of research and teaching staff, which means that members of our staff will be attending research
  training in reputable academic centers both in Poland and abroad.

Nearly PLN10m for New Faculties – the Department of Bioinformatics and the Department of Production Management and Engineering

The University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław will receive nearly PLN10m in funding from the European Social Fund (ESF) for the creation of new departments - Bioinformatics and Production Management and Engineering. The goal of the project is also to improve the qualifications of research and teaching staff, which means that members of our staff will be attending research training in reputable academic centers both in Poland and abroad.

Academic teachers from these reputable centers will be also invited to Wrocław. Moreover, specialist full time training will be organized within the scope of continual training for persons from outside the academic community.

The Department of Bioinformatics will be part of the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science, and the Department of Production Management and Engineering will be part of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology. The first recruitment will take place in the academic year 2010/1011.

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Two competitions were announced by the Ministry. The first competition focused on increasing the quality of teaching through increasing the competences of University teaching staff, hiring outstanding scientists from abroad, giving grants for doctoral students, young doctors and professors, and visiting those employed in the university institutions in the fields particularly essential for economic development. There were 172 applications from 77 public schools and 66 applications from 55 private schools. 57 applications from public schools and 26 from private ones received positive responses. PLN436 124 112 PLN was allocated for the project. 36 public schools became beneficiaries of the project receiving 82% of the whole amount, and 18% was allocated to 26 private schools.

The second competition concerned the issue of bringing schools closer to the labour market by involving practitioners in creating teaching programs, organizing traineeships in business and more effectively preparing graduates for entering the work market. 67 public schools submitted 97 applications and 110 applications were submitted from 86 private schools. 35 applications from public schools and 42 applications from private ones received positive responses. The amount of money allocated for this project was PLN315 986 223. 32 public schools, which became beneficiaries, received 61% of the whole amount, and the remaining 39% was given to 37 private schools.

Głos Uczelni

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