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They have known each other since high school. Together they graduated from food technology and nutrition. They now work in one team as doctoral students at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Aneta Wojdyło. They go on internships together, where they learn new research methods and learn to work in an international environment.

Three scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences have been awarded scholarships from the Foundation for Polish Science.
Projects of Dr. Karolina Bierowiec, Dr. Agata Mikołajczyk-Martinez, and Prof. Tomasz Hadaś have been awarded in the 13th edition of the National Centre for Research and Development competition, as part of the LIDER programme. The UPWr scientists are to receive nearly PLN 4.5 million for their research.
Last but not least, meet our student science clubs from the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology.
A new Faculty of Spatial Management and Landscape Architecture (WGPiAK) was established at UPWr last year. Along with the relocation of some programs from WIKŚiG, two student scientific clubs were also moved: the Landscape Architecture Student Scientific Club (SKN Architektury Krajobrazu) and the PUZZLE Spatial Planning Student Scientific Club (SKN Planowania Przestrzennego PUZZLE).
Can the immunity of poultry be enhanced with feed additives? How do hydroelectric power plants affect the environment? Can preservatives in food protect against staphylococcal enterotoxins? Today we present six of the eleven winning projects and the doctoral students who will implement them.
UPWr students of Landscape Architecture have designed plans for the development of the Biskupin Campus aligning with the principles of sustainable development. – The students' ideas are interesting and full of innovative and 'green' design solutions. So, there should be an impulse to take action so that the campus becomes a model, multifunctional public space in Wrocław in the future – says Dr. Anna Bocheńska-Skałecka.
Dr. Magdalena Domańska, Dr. Karolina Rak, Dr. Magdalena Rychlicka, Dr. Paulina Śliwka, Dr. Agata Wojciechowicz-Budzisz and Prof. Grzegorz Zaleśny have been awarded funding for research projects in the Miniatura 6 competition of the National Science Centre.

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