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Two hundred thousand for research, including a monthly salary for a researcher. Although lower than the national average, which student would not want to receive two and a half thousand for their needs. And in addition, the possibility of doing a doctorate together with their master studies.
We present the highest-score research papers of February 2023. These papers have ben published in journals with the highest Ministerial score – 200 points.


Curie-Skłodowskiej St. 42, 50-375 Wrocław PL,room 201/202/206 Krzysztof KafarskiHead of International Relations Officetel. +48 71 320 1024e-mail: krzysztof.kafarski@upwr.edu.pl Anna RaułuszkiewiczDeputy Head of International Relations Officetel. +48 71 320 5103e-mail: anna.rauluszkiewicz@upwr.edu.pl Maria BłaszczukInternational Relations Officertel. +48 71 320 5186e-mail: maria.blaszczuk@upwr.edu.pl Sylwia PopielInternational Relations Officertel. +48 71 320 (...)
Members of the Association of Landscape Architecture - Poland have been awarded in the International Federation of Landscape Architects 2022 IFLA Europe Student and Young Professionals competition, which motto this year was Boldness & Beauty. The winners in the category of completed projects were Kamila Rogaczewska and Katarzyna Kobierska, both graduates of landscape architecture at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

Kamila Pawłuszek, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, received over 100,000 PLN from National Science Centre within ”Preludium 13” grant for the automation of landslide identification.

What should be done in order to make landscape architects design green areas that are accessible to disabled people? In what way can we stimulate imagination and sensitivity? How can we recognize what creates barriers for a wheelchair?

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