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Four scientists from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław will go to Stanford University and Silicon Valley in order to learn how to commercialise the outcomes of scientific research.
For the second time we have awarded diplomas and medals to the best beers taking part in the Good Beer Academy competition. Jury was headed by Rafał Kowalczyk, an international judge who emphasized a high standard of the competition where over 80 beers were evaluated.
We present the highest-score research papers of October 2021. These papers were published in journals with the highest Impact Factor − Q1, according to Scimago Journal Rank and Journal Citation Reports by Clarivate.
Students from the Anthropologists Science Club „Juvenis” take part annually in archaeological excavations under the supervision of scientists from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. By learning what it's like to be an anthropologist, they support a team of Polish-Czech scientists conducting rescue research ahead of the expansion of a coal mine, that will engulf the remnants of the extinct, 800-year-old village of Libkovice in northwestern Czech Republic.
At UPWr students can develop various passions, not only scientific ones. For those artistically talented, the university offers the opportunity to join the Academic UPWr Choir or the Academic Folk Song and Dance Band "Jedliniok".
The International Summer School, had, as its leading subject, implementation of knowledge and inventions in sciences into sustainable development.
Academic institutions of Wrocław will join together to welcome the new academic year. This unprecedented event shows how great the potential of the academic community of our city is, and how high is the status of Wrocław as a centre of science and education.
Karolina Kapturska, Anna Modlińska and Safoura Reza – 6th-year veterinary students – have received scholarships from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for significant scientific achievements.
Being an archaeologist or anthropologist is similar to being a detective, except that the evidence and clues are better hidden. Dr. Paweł Konczewski and human biology student Weronika Sądzińska talk about how to look for clues, the need to combine human sciences and natural sciences, the importance of discovering forgotten German concentration camps, as well as excavation work.

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