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As part of the tasks surrounding the EU GREEN consortium, the UPWr organized a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP SOIL) course on soil protection and management of degraded and industrial soils. The first, stationary part is behind us.
The Polish Academy of Sciences has awarded scientists of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. They are: prof. Krzysztof Sośnica, prof. Stanisław Dzimira and prof. Wojciech Niżański.
As part of the Welcome to Poland program financed by NAWA, foreign students starting their studies at UPWr had a chance to learn about the history of the city and see it from the river Oder, and thanks to the newly opened Welcome Point they can learn everything Wrocław.
Students from the Anthropologists Science Club „Juvenis” take part annually in archaeological excavations under the supervision of scientists from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. By learning what it's like to be an anthropologist, they support a team of Polish-Czech scientists conducting rescue research ahead of the expansion of a coal mine, that will engulf the remnants of the extinct, 800-year-old village of Libkovice in northwestern Czech Republic.

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