Research papers of the week – November 29, 2021

Inca water channel flow analysis based on 3D models from terrestrial and UAV laser scanning at the Chachabamba archaeological site (Machu Picchu National Archaeological Park, Peru)

Dominika Sieczkowska, Bartłomiej Ćmielewski, Krzysztof Wolski, Paweł Dąbek, José M. Bastante, Izabela Wilczyńska
Journal of Archaeological Science

Ministerial score = 200.0
JIF Impact Factor (2020) = 3.216 (Q1)

journal-of-archeological-science_coverThe Chachabamba archaeological site contains a unique water complex erected and modified by the Incas. Based on archaeological investigations within the ceremonial sector, it has been established that the function of this water complex was strictly ceremonial. Moreover, hydrodynamic studies of the water supply canals have verified the previous findings. Due to the complex characteristics of the site, which is largely overgrown by dense vegetation, we employed a methodology not previously applied in the region. Three-dimensional documentation techniques were used to produce hydrodynamic analyses of the site, which facilitated the preparation of appropriate models that are key to understanding the function of the entire water system.



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