Research papers of the week – November 27, 2023

The Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter Derived from Agricultural Waste Materials on Phosphorus Sorption in Sandy Soils

Magdalena Dębicka; Morshedizad Mohsen; Peter Leinweber
Agriculture (Switzerland)

Ministerial score = 140.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 3.6 (Q1)

agriculture.jpgThe effect of organic matter (OM) on soil phosphorus (P) sorption is controversial, as there is still no clear answer whether organic matter inhibits or increases P sorption. Despite the great need for renewable sources of available P and OM in agricultural soils, little is known about the interaction between P and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in natural soil systems. The aim of this research was to uncover if and how soil saturation with DOM derived from different types of abundant agricultural wastes (cattle manure, horse manure, biogas digestate, compost) affects the phosphate sorption. We examined the P sorption process in control and DOM-saturated sandy soils. The results indicated that OM introduced with agricultural waste did not always reduce P sorption, but certainly had an effect on impairing P fixation, and thus, may result in potentially greater P mobility in the soil, including P availability. Among these waste materials, DOM from horse manure had the most positive effect on P mobilization; thus, horse manure—if available—is recommended for spreading on soils with low P mobility.




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