Research papers of the week – May 4, 2023

Thermo-oxidative stability and safety of new acylglycerols with stigmasterol residue: Effects of fatty acids saturation and position in the glycerol backbone

Magdalena Rudzińska; Anna Olejnik; Anna Grygier; Katarzyna Kowalska; Dominik Kmiecik; Anna Chojnacka; Witold Gładkowski; Aleksandra Grudniewska; R. Przybylski
Food Chemistry

Ministerial score = 200.0
Journal Impact Factor (2023) = 9.231 (Q1)

food_chemistry.pngThe safety and thermoxidative stability of new diacyl-stigmasterylcarbonoyl-sn-glycerols (DAStGs) with two molecules of palmitic or oleic acids and one molecule of stigmasterol at the sn-2 or sn-3 position were studied. After heating to 60 °C, the compounds with stigmasterol at the sn-2 position were more stable than those with stigmasterol at the sn-3 position. The lowest level of degradation of stigmasterol after heating to 180 °C was detected for both compounds with oleic acid, followed by the samples with palmitic acid. The high content of SOPs, especially triolSt, as well as the high level of dimers showed the most effect on the cytotoxicity of DAStGs heated at both temperatures. DAStGs with oleic acid at sn-1,3 and stigmasterol at sn-2 position were the most stable compounds. Both oleic acid and the location of stigmasterol in the middle of the glycerol molecule play an important role in increasing the thermoxidative stability of stigmasterol.




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